How to know how many mobile numbers are active on our Aadhaar card?

Aadhaar number is a unique identification number (UID) of every citizen of India with which all the details of the person such as his name, address, mobile number as well as his biometric details are digitally associated. And this number and some details of the citizen are printed on a card called Aadhaar card.

sample of Aadhar card
Sample of Aadhar card

Aadhar Card is a government recognized identity card of a citizen of India.

When we have to get a new mobile connection we have to provide proof of our government recognized identity.

Since the details in the Aadhaar card are digitally saved, telecom companies use the Aadhaar card for new connections. With the help of Aadhaar card, all the details of the citizen can be obtained in digital format which reduces the cost of paper work.

mobile numbers are active on your Aadhaar card

But sometimes someone else gets an illegal connection from our Aadhaar card.

Often some agents who issue connections take advantage of naive and uneducated citizens. These agents issue a mobile connection on the Aadhaar number of a naive citizen and sell it illegally to another person. As a result, some crimes are committed and the culprit is not even caught.

Some criminals try to issue illegal connections in the name of another person by offering these agents money and misusing it.

To prevent this fraud and prevent criminals, the government has launched a website that lets you know how many and which mobile connections have been issued to your Aadhaar number. Also, if there is a mobile number issued on your ID which is not yours, you can also report it to the government.

All you have to do is go to the website by clicking here .
tafcop- to know how many mobile connection issue on your aadhar card
Then you have to enter your mobile number and get OTP verified.
tafcop- to know how many mobile connection issue on your aadhar card
You will then be presented with a list of numbers that have been issued on your Aadhaar card.
issued mobile number on your aadhar card

Let me tell you that here the mobile number that you have verified through OTP and the number that is linked to the Aadhar card will show you the details of the mobile number issued on the Aadhar card. 

If there is a mobile number in the list of mobile numbers shown here which is not yours but is linked to your Aadhaar card, you can inform the government. 

And maybe there is a number that is yours but if you are no longer using that number, you can also give the details to the government. 

Friends, we request you to share this article everywhere so that we can prevent any fraud that may happen to us and others.

Aadhaar number is a unique identification number (UID) of every citizen of India with which all the details of the person such as his name, address, mobile number as well as his biometric details are digitally associated. And this number and some details of the citizen are printed on a card called Aadhaar card.

Aadhaar number is a unique identification number (UID) of every citizen of India with which all the details of the person such as his name, address, mobile number as well as his biometric details are digitally associated. And this number and some details of the citizen are printed on a card called Aadhaar card.

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